Three trees are literally “colonized” by a group of sculptures, creating a series of encounters that are improbable in our part of the world: in one, a bear cub climbs on a tree stump, helped by its mother; in the second, a jaguar lounges about; and, in the last one, a colony of monkeys swing from the third tree.
Every animal is portrayed doing something natural: hunting, washing, playing, or sleeping. The sculptures, perfectly realistic and visible from the river and the bank, are black and appear to be shadows. For the artist, “they play with the idea of a desire for a return to nature and the wild.”

Click here for further information on this stop along the itinerary Estuaire.
Œuvre réalisée pour Estuaire 2012 dans le cadre de la commande publique du ministère de la culture et de la communication – DRAC des Pays de la Loire.
T. +33 (0)2 40 75 75 07
800m path (to and from point of departure) made of sand and earth.