Sainte Croix Passageway
Exhibition space

A 70m long covered passageway. Look for the Ste Croix belfry standing on the paved courtyard beneath its immense glass roof.

This covered passageway running between rue de la Bâclerie and Sainte-Croix square cuts through the former priory which was constructed by benedictine monks in the 11th century. Look for the Sainte-Croix belfry from the paved courtyard beneath its immense glass roof. Every summer, this space hosts a contemporary art exhibition associated with le Voyage à Nantes.

Church of Sainte-Croix

The baroque style front, flamboyant nave and neo-gothic choir stalls are the obvious sites to see. But the real attraction of the church is its metal belfry surrounded by trumpet blowing angels. Added to the church in the 19th century, it encloses a clock and the heaviest bell in town (8 096 kg). Both came from the original clock tower in Bouffay.