It's over !
Rue des États
Short tour
Follow the line for a 45 min journey

For curious visitors having a short timing to respect, follow this short guided tour: a selection of artworks of the permanent collection, integrated with the must-see of the ciy in 45 minutes.

No time to lose! Today, the medieval quarter of Nantes called « The Bouffay » as the locals say, is a place full of life where the maze of streets of the medieval town has gone through. With their imposing structures, and their historical backgrounds, the cathedral and the Castle of the Duke of Brittany rub shoulders with contemporary art installations: here a piece of jungle, there arty signboards for evocative shops, a re-invented football playground, and even a statue defying gravity, all being signed by famous artists. Let’s follow the line!

Book your visit

Tour in english every saturday at 3pm and 4pm from 13/7 to 24/8
(other date tour only in french)
